Until the people on the frontier moved beyond the forest, in the second half of the 19th century, they had to cut down trees to clear space in which to erect a log cabin, and, in time, to grow crops. So long as they remained in the forests, the most important and most widely used tool was the single-bladed ax which could be used to cut down trees, make firewood, and provide the wood for a log cabin. Some saws were used, although they remained primitive through the first 200 years of frontier America.
- erect [iˈrekt] v. 搭建
- cabin [ˈkæbin] n. 小木屋
- in time [in - taim] adv. 最终
- ax [æks] n. 斧头(也作axe,plural: axes[ˈæksi:z] )
- single-bladed ax [ˈsiŋɡl - bleidid - æks] n. 单刃斧
- log cabin [lɔg - ˈkæbən] n.小木屋
- saw [sɔ:] n.锯
- primitive [ˈprimitiv] adj. 原始的