Frontier houses were built in all sizes and shapes and to all degrees of comfort. Logs for a log cabin were hewn from whatever was available; oak and pine were the favorite woods. Settlers might add split logs for floors; cover the roof with bark, thatch, or shingles; or build a log fireplace and chimney daubed with mud. As the mud filling the holes on the outside of the cabin dried, the settler might smooth and whitewash it.
- hew [hju:] v. 砍
- oak [əuk] n. 橡木
- pine [pain] n. 松树
- split [split] adj. 劈开的
- bark [bɑ:k] n. 树皮
- thatch [θætʃ] n. 茅草
- shingle [ˈʃiŋɡl] n. 木瓦
- fireplace [ˈfaiəpleis] n.壁炉
- chimney [ˈtʃimni] n.烟囱
- daub [dɔ:b] v. 涂抹
- smooth [smu:ð] v. 使光滑
- whitewash [ˈ(h)waitwɔʃ] v. 用石灰水粉刷