Settlers on the frontier lived on lands that were sparsely populated. Although frontier life demanded self-reliance, settlers often wanted government help for improving the new region by building roads, recommending crops, running surveys, certifying claims, and dredging creeks. They also wanted the federal government to provide protection for them from Native Americans who were occasionally hostile to settlers moving onto their lands.
- settler [ˈsetlə] n. 移民者
- frontier [ˈfrʌnˌtiə] n. 边境
- sparsely [spɑ:s - li] adv. 稀少地
- self-reliance [ˈselfriˈlains] n. 倚靠自己
- recommend [ˌrekəˈmend] v. 推荐
- running survey [ˈrʌniŋ - sə:ˈvei] n.勘测
- certify [ˈsə:tifai] v. 证明
- dredge [dredʒ] v. 用挖掘机清除、加深或加宽
- creek [kri:k] n. 小溪
- federal [ˈfedərəl] adj. 联邦的
- hostile [ˈhɔstail] adj. 敌对的(be hostile to:对……有敌意)