The point within the Earth along the rupturing geological fault where an earthquake originates is called the focus, or hypocenter. Seismologists know from observations that most earthquakes originate as shallow-focus earthquakes and most of them occur near plate boundaries — areas where the Earth’s crustal plates move against each other.
- rupture [ˈrʌptʃə] adj. 断裂的
- fault [fɔ:lt] n. 断层
- focus [ˈfəukəs] n. 震源(“震中”是epicenter)
- hypocenter [ˈhaipəuˌsentə] n. 震源
- seismologist [saizˈmɔlədʒist] n.地震学家
- boundary [ˈbaundəri] n. 边界
- crustal [ˈkrʌstəl] adj.地壳的