Most shales (common name applied to fine-grained varieties of sedimentary rock formed by the consolidation of beds of clay or mud) exhibit fine laminations that are parallel to the bedding plane and along which the rock breaks in an irregular, curving fracture. Most varieties of shale are colored in various shades of gray, but other colors, such as red, pink, green, brown, and black, are often present. Shales are soft enough to be scratched with a knife and feel smooth and almost greasy to the touch. Many shales yield oil when distilled by heat, and the sedimentary rocks containing larger quantities of oil are called oil shales. Widely distributed throughout the world, oil shales are a source of oil for countries lacking petroleum.
- shale [ʃeil] n.页岩
- fine-grained [ˈfainˈɡreind] adj. 纹理细腻的,平整的
- consolidation [kənˌsɔliˈdeiʃən] n. 加固
- clay [klei] n.黏土
- exhibit [iɡˈzibit] v. 显示,显出
- laminate [ˈlæmineit] n. 层叠结构
- laminate to [ˈlæmineit - tu] adj. 与……平行/相似的
- bedding plane [ˈbediŋ - plein] n.(岩层)层平面,底层
- curving [ˈkə:viŋ] adj.弯曲的
- fracture [ˈfræktʃə] n. 岩石的裂缝或断层
- shades of gray [ʃeidz- əv - grei] n. 灰度梯度(深浅不同的各种灰色)
- pink [piŋk] n. 粉红色
- scratch [skrætʃ] v. 刮擦
- greasy [ˈɡri:si] adj. 油腻的
- yield [ji:ld] v. 生出, 出产;产生
- distill [diˈstil] v.蒸馏
- oil shale [ɔil - ʃeil] n. 油母页岩
- distribute [disˈtribju:t] v. 分布,散布(over)
- petroleum [piˈtrəuliəm] n.石油