Angling refers to fishing for sport, recreation and relaxation. A fishing rod is a long, straight, flexible pole made of bamboo, fiberglass, or graphite that an angler uses to cast hook with bait or lures into the water.
- angling [ˈæŋɡliŋ] n.钓鱼,钓鱼术
- fishing [ˈfiʃiŋ] n.钓鱼
- recreation [ˌrekriˈeiʃn] n. 消遣
- fishing rod [ˈfiʃiŋ - rɔd] n.钓竿
- straight [streit] adj.直的
- flexible [ˈfleksəbl] adj. 有弹性的
- pole [pəul] n. 杆
- bamboo [bæmˈbu:] n.竹子
- fiberglass [ˈfaibəɡlɑ:s] n.玻璃纤维
- graphite [ˈɡræfait] n.石墨
- angler [ˈæŋɡlə] n.垂钓者
- cast [kɑ:st] v. 抛
- hook [huk] n.鱼钩
- bait [beit] n.饵
- lure [luə] n.诱饵