The term fishery is also used to describe the species of fish being harvested (because most of them are edible), which include familiar finned fish species, like cod and flounder; mollusks, including oysters and squid; and crustaceans, such as shrimp and crabs. Lesser-known fisheries include echinoderms, like sea urchins; some amphibians, including frogs; and cnidarians, such as jellyfish. Even the harvest of whales is usually considered a fishery.
- fishery [ˈfiʃəri] n. 食用鱼类,捕鱼业
- harvest [ˈhɑ:vist] v. 收获,捕获
- edible [ˈedibl] adj.可食用的
- cod [kɔd] n. 鳕鱼
- flounder [ˈflaundə] n. 比目鱼
- mollusk [ˈmɔləsk] n.软体动物
- oyster [ˈɔistə] n.牡蛎
- squid [skwid] n.鱿鱼
- crustacean [krʌˈsteiʃən] n.甲壳纲动物
- shrimp [ʃrimp] n.虾
- crab [kræb] n.蟹
- echinoderm [iˈkainəˌdə:m] n.棘皮类动物
- sea urchin [si: - ˈə:tʃin] n.海胆
- amphibian [æmˈfibiən] n.两栖动物
- frog [frɔɡ] n.青蛙
- cnidarian [naɪˈdeəri:ən] n.刺胞动物
- jellyfish [ˈdʒelifiʃ] n.水母
- whale [hweil] n.鲸