The praying mantis is a carnivore that feeds on smaller insects, such as flies, crickets, and grasshoppers. Its name reflects the prayer-like posture it assumes while waiting for its victims to venture within reach of its long, barbed forelegs.
- praying mantis [ˈpreɪɪŋ - ˈmæntis] n.螳螂
- carnivore [ˈkɑ:nivɔ:] n.食肉动物
- fly [flai] n.苍蝇
- cricket [ˈkrikit] n.蟋蟀
- grasshopper [ˈɡrɑ:sˌhɔpə] n.蝗虫
- posture [ˈpɔstʃə] n.姿势
- assume [əˈsju:m] v.采用
- victim [ˈviktim] n.牺牲品
- venture [ˈventʃə] v.冒险
- barbed foreleg [ba:bd - ˈfɔ:leg] n.有倒钩的前肢