For sheer variety and abundance, insects rank among the most successful animals on Earth. Dragonflies, unlike butterflies, do not create a chrysalis and undergo complete metamorphosis. Instead, they undergo a series of small transformations until they finally develop into the imago – the adult, winged form.
- sheer [ʃiə] adj.绝对的
- abundance [əˈbʌndəns] n.丰富
- butterfly [ˈbʌtəflai] n.蝴蝶
- dragonfly [ˈdræɡənflai] n.蜻蜓
- chrysalis [ˈkrisəlis] n.蛹
- metamorphosis [ˌmetəˈmɔ:fəsis] n.变态,蜕变
- transformation [ˌtrænsfəˈmeiʃən] n.转变
- imago [iˈmeiɡəu] n.成虫