Forests may be divided into the following eight general types on the basis of leaf characteristics and climate. & 1) Deciduous forests of the temperate regions are the typical formation of the eastern United States. 2) Deciduous monsoon forests are characteristic of Bengal and Myanmar (formerly known as Burma) and common throughout Southeast Asia and India. 3) Tropical savanna forests are found in regions such as the campos of Brazil, where forest and grassland meet. 4) Northern coniferous forests form a worldwide belt in subarctic and alpine regions of the northern hemisphere. 5) Tropical rain forests are characteristic of central Africa and the Amazon watershed. 6) Temperate evergreen forests are found in the subtropical regions of North America and the Caribbean islands that have a warm maritime climate. 7) Temperate rain forests, with broad-leaved evergreen trees, are common on Mediterranean coasts. 8) Tropical scrub forests occur in regions of slight rainfall, bordering wetter forests.
- forest [ˈfɔrist] n.森林
- deciduous forest [diˈsidʒjuəs - ˈfɔrist] n.落叶林
- Deciduous monsoon forest [diˈsidʒjuəs -mɔnˈsu:n - ˈfɔrist] n.落叶季雨林
- Bengal [beŋˈɡɔ:l] n.孟加拉
- Myanmar [ˈmjænmɑ:] n.缅甸
- Tropical savanna forest [ˈtrɔpikl - səˈvanə - ˈfɔrist] n.热带稀树草原
- campo [ˈkæmpəu] n.南美草原
- grassland [ˈɡrɑ:slænd] n.草原
- Northern coniferous forest [ˈnɔ:ð(ə)n - kəuˈnifərəs - ˈfɔrist] n.北方针叶树林
- worldwide belt [ˈwə:ldwaid - belt] n.世界范围分布
- subarctic [ˈsʌbˈɑ:ktik] adj.亚寒带
- alpine region [ˈælpain - ˈri:dʒən] n.高山区
- hemisphere [ˈhemiˌsfiə] n.半球
- tropical rain forest [ˈtrɔpikl - rein - ˈfɔrist] n.热带雨林
- watershed [ˈwɔ:təʃed] n.流域
- Temperate evergreen forest [ˈtempərit - ˈevəɡri:n - ˈfɔrist] n.温带绿叶林
- subtropical [ˈsʌbˈtrɔpikəl] adj.亚热带的
- maritime [ˈmæritaim] adj.海洋性的
- Temperate rain forest [ˈtempərit - rein - ˈfɔrist] n.温带雨林
- coast [kəust] n.海岸
- Tropical scrub forest [ˈtrɔpikl - skrʌb - ˈfɔrist] n.热带灌丛林