Plant cells have all the components of animal cells several other added features, including chloroplasts, a central vacuole, and a cell wall. Chloroplasts convert light energy — typically from the Sun — into the sugar glucose, a form of chemical energy, in a process known as photosynthesis. Chloroplasts, like mitochondria, possess a circular chromosome and prokaryote-like ribosomes, which manufacture the proteins that the chloroplasts typically need. The vacuole, a membranous bag, crowds the cytoplasm and organelles to the edges of the cell. The central vacuole stores water, salts, sugars, proteins, and other nutrients. In addition, it stores the blue, red, and purple pigments that give certain flowers their colors.
- component [kəmˈpəunənt] n.组成部分
- chloroplast [ˈklɔ:rəuplæst] n.叶绿体
- vacuole [ˈvækjuəul] n.液泡
- cell wall [sel - wɔ:l] n.细胞壁
- glucose [ˈɡlu:kəus] n.葡萄糖
- photosynthesis [ˌfəutəuˈsinθəsis] n.光合作用
- mitochondria [ˌmaitəˈkɔndriə] n.线粒体
- ribosome [ˈraibəsəum] n.核糖体
- crowd … to … [kraud - tu:] v.把……挤进……;把……塞进……
- pigment [ˈpiɡmənt] n.色素