Basketry is the craft of making baskets and bags, mats, rugs, and other items through weaving, plaiting, and coiling techniques, using materials such as reed, cane, rush, sisal fiber, ash-wood splints, and ropes twisted from strands of hemp.
- basketry [ˈbɑ:stkitri] n.编篮工艺
- mat [mæt] n.垫子
- rug [rʌɡ] n.地毯
- plait [plæt] v.把…打成辫
- coil [kɔil] v.盘绕
- reed [ri:d] n.芦苇
- cane [kein] n.藤条
- rush [rʌʃ] n.灯心草
- sisal [ˈsisəl] n.波罗麻:一种分布在墨西哥和中美洲的植物
- fiber [ˈfaibə] n.纤维
- ash wood [æʃ - wu:d] adj.梣木的
- splint [splint] n.薄木条
- twist [twist] v.捻
- strand [strænd] n.股
- hemp [hemp] n.大麻纤维