Fabric weaving involves interlacing warp and weft. The yarn threads of warp are arranged parallel to one another and held in tension on a loom, while the single thread wefts pass over or under the warp threads to create a solid or patterned piece of clothes. To create larger pieces, a treadle loom is usually needed.
- fabric weaving [ˈfæbrik - ˈwi:viŋ] n.纺织编织
- involve [inˈvɔlv] v.包括
- interlace [ˌintə(:)ˈleis] v.(使)交织
- warp [wɔ:p] n.织物上纵的方向的纱或线
- weft [weft] n.织物上横的方向的纱或线
- yarn thread [ja:n - θred] n.纺线丝
- parallel [ˈpærəlel] adj.平行的
- tension [ˈtenʃən] n.绷紧状态
- loom [lu:m] n.织布机
- solid [ˈsɔlid] adj.结实的
- treadle loom [ˈtredl - lu:m] n.脚踏织机