By the beginning of the 1st century AD, Roman writing implements varied according to both the purpose of the writing and the surface used. Ephemeral writing and school exercises were often done with pointed styluses made of metal or bone on small wax-coated wooden tablets. Letters were scratched on the waxed surface with the pointed end of the stylus and erasures were made with the other, blunt end of the same tool. Permanent writing was done on papyrus with a reed cut to a point and dipped in ink. Flat brushes and reeds cut with a broad edge were used on smooth surfaces, such as specially prepared animal skins (vellum or parchment) and plaster or stone walls. Inscriptional writing was done with mallet and chisel, but the style of these inscribed letters, with their variations from thick to thin strokes.
- writing implement [ˈraitiŋ - ˈimplimənt] n. 书写用具
- ephemeral [iˈfemərəl] adj. 短暂的
- wax-coated [wæks - ˈkəutid] adj. 涂蜡的
- scratch [skrætʃ] v. 刻划
- blunt [blʌnt] adj. (笔尖等)无尖锋的,钝的
- permanent writing [ˈpə:mənənt - ˈraitiŋ] n. 能够长时间保留的书写
- reed [ri:d] n.芦苇
- dip [dip] v. 浸蘸
- vellum [ˈveləm] n. 牛皮纸
- plaster [ˈplɑ:stə] n. 胶泥,灰泥,涂墙泥
- inscription [inˈskripʃən] adj. 碑文的
- stroke [strəuk] n. 笔划