In time, the codex came to consist of many sheets of papyrus or, later, parchment, gathered in small bundles folded in the middle. These gatherings were laid one upon the other, stitched together through the folds, and attached to wooden boards by thongs.
- in time [in - taim] adv. 最终
- consist of [kənˈsist - əf] v. 由……组成
- papyrus [pəˈpaiərəs] n. (古代)纸(莎)草纸(plural:papyri[pə'paiəri])
- bundle [ˈbʌndl] n.捆
- gathering [ˈɡæðəriŋ] n. 订成书贴的书页
- stitch [stitʃ] v. 缝合
- fold [fəuld] n. 折页
- thong [θɔŋ] n.皮带