Northeast Indians hunted a variety of game, large and small: deer, rabbit, squirrel, beaver, and various birds, such as turkey, partridge, duck, and goose. They also hunted moose, elk, and bear. Some peoples living near the prairies of the Mississippi River Valley hunted the North American bison, or buffalo. In addition to hunting with spears, bows and arrows, and clubs, they used traps, snares, and deadfalls (traps designed to cause heavy objects, such as logs, to fall, disabling or killing prey). They used disguises to get close to animals, lured prey with animal calls, and set fires to drive animals toward hunters or traps.
- hunt [hʌnt] v. 狩猎
- game [ɡeim] n. 猎物
- rabbit [ˈræbit] n. 野兔
- squirrel [ˈskwirəl] n.松鼠
- beaver [ˈbi:və] n.海狸
- turkey [ˈtə:ki] n.火鸡
- partridge [ˈpɑ:tridʒ] n. 鹌鹑
- moose [mu:s] n. 驼鹿
- elk [elk] n.麋鹿
- prairie [ˈprɛəri] n. 大草原
- bison [ˈbaisn] n.野牛
- buffalo [ˈbʌfələu] n. 北美野牛
- spear [spiə] n.矛
- bow [bəu] n.弓
- arrow [ˈærəu] n.箭
- club [klʌb] n. 棍棒
- trap [træp] n. 陷阱
- snare [snɛə] n.陷阱
- deadfall [ˈdedfɔ:l] n.陷阱
- disable [disˈeibl] v. 使残废
- disguise [disˈɡaiz] n.伪装
- lure [luə] v. 引诱
- prey [prei] n. 猎物