Solid wastes are unwanted solid materials such as garbage, paper, plastics and other synthetic materials, metals, and wood. Billions of tons of solid waste are thrown out annually. Areas where wastes are buried, called landfills, are the cheapest and most common disposal method for solid wastes worldwide. But landfills quickly become overfilled and may contaminate air, soil, and water. Incineration, or burning, of waste reduces the volume of solid waste but produces dense ashen wastes (some of which become airborne) that often contain dangerous concentrations of hazardous materials such as heavy metals and toxic compounds.
- garbage [ˈɡɑ:bidʒ] n. 垃圾,废料
- plastic [ˈplɑ:stik] n. 塑料
- synthetic [sinˈθetik] adj. 合成的
- landfill [ˈlændfil] n. 垃圾填埋洼地
- disposal method [disˈpəuzəl - ˈmeθəd] n. 处置方法
- overfill [ˈəuvəˈfil] v.把…装得溢出
- incinerate [inˈsinəreit] n. 焚化
- dense [dens] adj. (烟、雾等)浓密的,浓厚的
- ashen [ˈæʃ(ə)n] adj. 灰的,灰色的
- airborne [ˈɛəbɔ:n] adj. (可以通过)空气传播的
- hazardous [ˈhæzədəs] adj. 危险的