The Moon is full when it is farther away from the Sun than Earth; it is new when it is closer. When it is more than half illuminated, it is said to be in gibbous phase. When it is less than half illuminated, it is said to be in crescent phase. The Moon is said to be waning as it progresses from full to new, and to be waxing as it proceeds from new to full.
- full [ful] n. 满月
- new [nju:] adj. 新月(的)
- illuminate [iˈlju:mineit] v. 照亮,使明亮
- gibbous [ˈɡibəs] adj. 光亮部大于半圆的
- phase [feiz] n. 位相
- crescent [ˈkresnt] adj. 新月形的
- crescent phase [ˈkresnt - feiz] n. 新月位相
- waning [ˈweiniŋ] adj. (月亮)渐亏的
- waxing [ˈwæksiŋ] adj. (月亮)渐盈的