The surface currents of the ocean are characterized by large gyres, or currents that are kept in motion by prevailing winds, but the direction of which is altered by the rotation of the earth. Although the surface circulation of the ocean is a function of winds and the rotation of the earth, the deeper circulation in the oceans is a function of density differences between adjacent water masses.
- current [ˈkʌrənt] n. 水流
- gyre [ˈdʒaiə] n. 漩涡
- motion [ˈməuʃən] n. 运动
- rotation [rəuˈteiʃn] n. 自转
- circulation [ˌsə:kjuˈleiʃən] n. 循环
- density [ˈdensiti] n. 比重
- adjacent [əˈdʒeisənt] adj. 紧挨着的