The tongue serves as an organ of taste, with taste buds scattered over its surface and concentrated toward the back of the tongue. In chewing, the tongue holds the food against the teeth; in swallowing, it moves the food back into the pharynx, and then into the esophagus when the pressure of the tongue closes the opening of the trachea, or windpipe. It also acts, together with the lips, teeth, and hard palate, to form word sounds.
- tongue [tʌŋ] n.舌头
- taste bud [teist - bʌd] n.味蕾
- scatter over [ˈskætə - əuvə] v. 分布在……
- chew [tʃu:] v.咀嚼
- swallow [ˈswɔləu] v. 吞咽
- pharynx [ˈfæriŋks] n.咽
- esophagus [i(:)ˈsɔfəɡəs] n.食道
- trachea [trəˈki:ə] n.气管
- windpipe [ˈwindpaip] n.气管
- hard palate [ha:d - ˈpælit] n.硬颚