The human eyeball, is a spherical structure with a pronounced bulge on its forward surface. The outer part of the eye is composed of three layers of tissue. The outside layer is the sclera, a protective coating. At the front of the eyeball, it is continuous with the bulging, transparent cornea. The middle layer of the coating of the eye is the choroid, which is continuous with the ciliary body and with the iris, which lies at the front of the eye. The innermost layer is the light-sensitive retina.
- eyeball [ˈaibɔ:l] n.眼球
- spherical [ˈsferikəl] adj.球形的
- pronounced [prəˈnaunst] adj. 显著的
- bulge [bʌldʒ] n. 凸出部分
- sclera [ˈskliərə] n.巩膜
- coating [ˈkəutiŋ] n.覆盖层
- cornea [ˈkɔ:niə] n.角膜
- choroid [ˈkɔ:rɔid] n.脉络膜
- ciliary body [ˈsiliəri - ˈbɔdi] n.睫状体
- iris [ˈaiəris] n.虹膜
- innermost [ˈinəməust] adj. 最里面的
- retina [ˈretinə] n.视网膜