The Endocrine System
In addition to the integrative action of the nervous system, control of various body functions is exerted by the endocrine glands. An important part of this system, the pituitary, lies at the base of the brain. This master gland secretes a variety of hormones. The posterior lobe of the pituitary secretes vasopressin, which acts on the kidney to control the volume of urine. Other glands in the endocrine system are the pancreas, which secretes insulin, and the parathyroid, which secretes a hormone that regulates the quantity of calcium and phosphorus in the blood.
- endocrine [ˈendəukrain] adj.内分泌的
- exert [iɡˈzə:t] v. 行使(职权等),使受(影响等)
- gland [ɡlænd] n.腺
- pituitary [piˈtju:ɪtəri] n.(脑)垂体
- secrete [siˈkri:t] v. 分泌
- hormone [ˈhɔ:məun] n. 荷尔蒙
- posterior [pɔˈstiəriə] adj. 后面的,尾部的
- posterior lobe [pɔˈstiəriə - ləub] n.后叶
- vasopressin [ˌvæsəuˈpresin] n. 血管加压素,血压激素
- pancreas [ˈpæŋkriəs] n.胰, 胰腺
- insulin [ˈinsjulin] n.胰岛素
- parathyroid [ˌpærəˈθairɔid] adj.副甲状腺的
- regulate [ˈreɡjuleit] v.控制
- calcium [ˈkælsiəm] n.钙
- phosphorus [ˈfɔsfərəs] n.磷