The nervous system has two divisions: the central nervous system, including the brain and spinal cord; and the peripheral nervous system, including all neural tissue of motor and sensory systems. Impulses go to the central nervous system through sensory nerves and are carried away from it by the motor nerves. The motor system is further divided into the somatic (or skeletal) nervous system and the autonomic nervous system. The somatic motor system allows voluntary control over skeletal muscle with a few exceptions. The autonomic nervous system is largely involuntary and controls cardiac and smooth muscles and glands.
- nervous system [ˈnə:vəs - ˈsistəm] n.神经系统
- division [diˈviʒən] n.部分
- central nervous system [ˈsentrəl - ˈnə:vəs - ˈsistəm] n.中枢神经系统
- spinal cord [ˈspainl - kɔ:d] n.脊髓
- peripheral nervous system [pəˈrifərəl - ˈnə:vəs - ˈsistəm] n.周围神经系统
- neural tissue [ˈnjuərəl - ˈtisju:] n. 神经组织
- motor [ˈməutə] n. 运动肌
- sensory system [ˈsensəri - ˈsistəm] n.感觉系统
- impulse [ˈimpʌls] n. 神经脉冲
- somatic nervous system [səˈmætik - ˈnə:vəs - ˈsistəm] n.躯体神经系统
- skeletal nervous system [ˈskelitl - ˈnə:vəs - ˈsistəm] n. 骨骼神经系统
- autonomic nervous system [ˌɔ:təuˈnɔmik - ˈnə:vəs - ˈsistəm] n.自主神经系统
- voluntary [ˈvɔləntəri] adj.自主的
- cardiac [ˈkɑ:diæk] adj.心脏(病)的
- smooth muscle [smu:ð - ˈmʌsl] n.平滑肌
- gland [ɡlænd] n.腺