Basic Human Anatomy: Musculoskeletal System
The human skeleton consists of more than 200 bones bound together by tough and relatively inelastic connective tissues called ligaments. The different parts of the body vary greatly in their degree of movement, which are effected by contractions of the skeletal muscles, to which the bones are attached by tendons. Thus, the arm at the shoulder is freely movable, whereas the knee joint is definitely limited to a hinge-like action, and the bones composing the skull are immovable.
- anatomy [əˈnætəmi] n.人体解剖
- musculoskeletal [ˌmʌskjuləuˈskelitəl] adj.肌(与)骨骼的
- skeleton [ˈskelitn] n.骨骼
- bind [baind] v. 绑定,缔结
- tough [tʌf] adj. 坚硬的
- inelastic [iniˈlæstik] adj.无弹性的
- tissue [ˈtisju:] n.组织
- ligament [ˈliɡəmənt] n.韧带
- vary [ˈvɛəri] v. 不同,变化
- contraction [kənˈtrækʃən] n.收缩
- muscle [ˈmʌsl] n.肌肉
- skeletal muscle [ˈskelitl - ˈmʌsl] n.骨骼肌
- attach [əˈtætʃ] v.贴上; 系; 附上
- tendon [ˈtendən] n.腱
- shoulder [ˈʃəuldə] n.肩
- knee joint [ni: - dʒɔint] n.膝关节
- hinge [hindʒ] n.枢纽,门枢,节点
- compose [kəmˈpəuz] v.组成
- skull [skʌl] n.颅骨