Amphibians have moist, hairless skin through which water can pass in and out, and were the first animals with backbones to adapt to life on land. they are the ancestors of reptiles, which in turn gave rise to mammals and birds. All amphibians belong to one of three main groups: the caudate, or tailed amphibians, which includes the sirens, salamanders, and newts; the anuran, or tailless amphibians, which includes frogs and toads; and the gymnophiona, which is made up of the wormlike caecilians.
- amphibian [æmˈfibiən] n.两栖动物
- moist [mɔist] adj.潮湿的
- adapt [əˈdæpt] v. 适应
- ancestor [ˈænsistə] n.祖先
- reptile [ˈreptail] n.爬行动物
- mammal [ˈmæməl] n.哺乳动物
- caudata [ka:deitə] n.有尾目
- siren [ˈsaiərin] n. 土鳗
- salamander [ˈsæləmændə] n.火蜥蜴
- newt [nju:t] n.蝾螈
- anuran [əˈnjuərən] n.无尾目
- frog [frɔɡ] n.青蛙
- toad [təud] n.蟾蜍
- gymnophiona [ˈdʒimɔpfinə] n. 无足目
- make up of [meik - ʌp - əv] n.构成,组成
- caecilian [si:ˈsiliən] n.蚓螈(无足目约150种两栖动物的统称)