Except in combinations such as waterfowl and wildfowl, in modern usage the word fowl usually is restricted to the common domestic fowl, or chicken. In poultry markets, fowl commonly means a full-grown female bird. Young birds of both sexes, such as broilers and fryers, are called chickens. On poultry farms, male chickens are called roosters or cocks; females, especially those more than a year old, are called hens; females less than a year old are called pullets; very young chickens of either sex are called chicks; and castrated males are called capons.
- combination [ˌkɔmbiˈneiʃən] n. 组合
- waterfowl [ˈwɔ:təˌfaʊl] n.水鸟
- wildfowl [ˈwaildfaul] n.野禽
- fowl [faul] n. 家禽
- domestic [dəˈmestik] adj.驯养的
- poultry [ˈpəultri] n.家禽
- broiler [ˈbrɔilə] n. 适于烤焙的嫩鸡
- fryer [fraiə] n.适于油炸的嫩鸡
- rooster [ˈru:stə] n.公鸡
- pullet [ˈpulit] n.小母鸡
- chick [tʃik] n.小鸡
- castrate [kæsˈtreit] v.阉割
- capon [ˈkeipən] n.阉鸡