Birds have two legs; the lower part of each leg is called the tarsus. Most birds have four toes on each foot, and in many birds, including all songbirds, the first toe, called a hallux, points backwards. Bird toes are adapted in various species for grasping perches, climbing, swimming, capturing prey, and carrying and manipulating food.
- tarsus [ˈtɑ:səs] n.跗骨
- toe [təu] n.脚趾
- songbird [ˈsɔŋbə:d] n.鸣禽
- hallux [ˈhæləks] n.(鸟)后趾,(人)大拇趾
- adapted [əˈdæptid] adj.适合的
- perch [pə:tʃ] n. 栖木:供鸟栖息的枝条
- manipulate [məˈnipjuleit] v.处理