The primitive bees, like their relatives the wasps, are solitary. Each female makes her own burrow, in which she constructs earthen chambers to contain her young. Some bees are communal. They are like solitary bees except that several females of the same generation use the same nest, each making her own cells for housing her eggs, larvae, and pupae.
- primitive [ˈprimitiv] adj.自然的
- wasp [wɔsp] n.黄蜂
- solitary [ˈsɔlitəri] adj.独居的
- burrow [ˈbʌrəu] n.洞穴
- earthen [ˈə:θən] adj.土制的
- chamber [ˈtʃeimbə] n.房间
- communal [ˈkɔmjunl] adj.群居的
- nest [nest] n.巢
- cell [sel] n.蜂房
- larva [ˈlɑ:və] n.幼虫(plural: larvae[la:vi:] )
- pupa [ˈpju:pə] n.蛹(plural: pupae['pju:pi:])