Caterpillar, larval stage of butterflies and moths, members of the order Lepidoptera, and corresponding in this special order to the grub, maggot, or larva phase in the life history of other insects. The caterpillar develops like any other larva from the segmented egg and differentiating embryo and undergoes several moltings, or ecdyses. It later falls into a quiescent pupa stage, and the pupa is usually sheathed in a silken cocoon.
- caterpillar [ˈkætəpilə] n.毛虫
- moth [mɔθ] n.蛾
- larval [ˈlɑ:vəl] adj.幼虫状态的
- Lepidoptera [ˌlepəˈdɔptərə] n.鳞翅目
- grub [ɡrʌb] n.幼虫
- maggot [ˈmæɡət] n.蛆
- larva phase [ˈla:və - feiz] n.幼虫阶段
- segmented [seɡˈmentid] adj.分段的
- differentiating [ˌdifəˈrenʃieitiŋ] adj.分化
- embryo [ˈembriəu] n.胚胎
- molting [ˈməultiŋ] n.蜕皮
- ecdysis [ˈekdisis] n.蜕皮 (plural: ecdyses[ˈekdisi:z] )
- quiescent [kwiˈesənt] adj.休眠的
- pupa [ˈpju:pə] n.蛹
- sheath [ʃi:θ] v.包裹
- silken [ˈsilkən] adj.柔软光滑的
- cocoon [kəˈku:n] n.茧