In commercial and nonprofit theaters, the producer is the person who puts together the financing, management staff, and the artistic team to produce the show. Usually, the producer works in tandem with a general manager and others to accomplish the daily running of the production, from rehearsals to closing. In this role he or she selects a season of several plays, hires the artistic teams and technical staff, works with a casting director to audition and cast actors in the various parts, controls the theater’s funding, and acts as the final authority in all artistic and administrative operations.
- commercial [kəˈmə:ʃəl] adj.商业的
- nonprofit [ˌnɔnˈprɔfit] adj. 非赢利的
- producer [prəˈdju:sə] n. 制片人
- put together [put - təˈgeðə] v. 组合
- staff [stɑ:f] n.全体职员
- in tandem with [in - ˈtændəm - wið] adv. 同……合作
- accomplish [əˈkɔmpliʃ] v. 完成
- rehearsal [riˈhə:səl] n. 彩排
- season [ˈsi:zən] n. 适合某种活动的季节/期间
- casting director [ˈkɑ:stiŋ - diˈrektə] n.负责挑选演员的人,星探
- audition [ɔ:ˈdiʃən] v. 在试演中评估某一人物
- cast [kɑ:st] v. 指定角色
- administrative [ədˈministrətiv] adj. 管理的