Theater can serve many ends. It can be designed to entertain, instruct, motivate, persuade, and even shock. But whatever the intentions of the director, performers, and crew, the result depends on the interaction with an audience. The audience affects the performance by providing the performers with immediate feedback, such as laughter, tears, applause, or silence. Each night there is continuous interaction between the auditorium and the stage. Ultimately, audiences make their opinions known through their attendance or nonattendance. They support what appeals to them and generally fail to support what they find distasteful, offensive, or incomprehensible.
- serve [sə:v] v.满足,服务
- end [end] n.目的
- entertain [ˌentəˈtein]
- instruct [inˈstrʌkt] v.教导
- motivate [ˈməutiveit] v.激发
- persuade [pəˈsweid] v.说服
- shock [ʃɔk] v.震撼
- intention [inˈtenʃən] n.意图,目的
- director [diˈrektə] n.导演
- performer [pəˈfɔ:mə] n.表演者
- crew [kru:] n.全体人员
- interaction [ˌɪntərˈækʃən] n.相互作用
- affect [əˈfekt] v.影响
- immediate [iˈmi:diət] adj.立即的
- feedback [ˈfi:dbæk] n.反馈
- applause [əˈplɔ:z] n.喝彩
- auditorium [ˌɔ:diˈtɔ:riəm] n.观众席
- attendance [əˈtendəns] n.出席
- appeal [əˈpi:l] v.对……有吸引力
- distasteful [disˈteistful] adj.(令人)不愉快的
- offensive [əˈfensiv] adj.冒犯的
- incomprehensible [inˌkɔmpriˈhen-səbl] adj.不能理解的