The main parts of the violin are the front, also called the belly, top, or soundboard, usually made of well-seasoned spruce; the back, usually made of well-seasoned maple; and the ribs, neck, fingerboard, pegbox, scroll, bridge, tailpiece, and f-holes, or soundholes. The front, back, and ribs are joined together to form a hollow sound box. The sound box contains the sound post, a thin, dowel -like stick of wood wedged inside underneath the right side of the bridge and connecting the front and back of the violin; and the bass-bar, a long strip of wood glued to the inside of the front under the left side of the bridge. The sound post and bass-bar are important for the transmission of sound, and they also give additional support to the construction. The strings are fastened to the tailpiece, rest on the bridge, and are suspended over the fingerboard, and run to the pegbox, where they are attached to tuning pegs that can be turned to change the pitch of the string. The strings are set in vibration and produce sound when the player draws the bow across them at a right angle near the bridge. Among the prized characteristics of the violin are its singing tone and its potential to play rapid, brilliant figurations as well as lyrical melodies. Violinists can also create special effects by means of the following techniques: pizzicato, plucking, tremolo, etc.
- violin [ˌvaiəˈlin] n.小提琴
- belly [ˈbeli] n.(弦乐器的)面板
- well-seasoned [wel - ˈsi:znd] adj.完全风干的
- spruce [spru:s] n.云杉
- maple [ˈmeipl] n.枫木
- rib [rib] n.琴骨
- pegbox [ˈpegbɔks] n.(弦乐器的)弦轴箱
- scroll [skrəul] n.涡卷形头:提琴类乐器上的弯曲状饰头
- tailpiece [ˈteilpi:s] n.系弦钮
- hollow [ˈhɔləu] adj.中空的
- sound [saund] n.声音
- post [pəust] n.杆
- dowel [ˈdauəl] n.暗榫
- wedge [wedʒ] v.楔入
- underneath [ˌʌndəˈni:θ] prep.在……的下面
- bass bar [beis - bar] n.低音梁
- strip [strip] n.条
- glue [ɡlu:] v.粘合
- transmission [trænzˈmiʃən] n.传播
- suspend [səˈspend] v.悬挂
- tuning peg [ˈtju:niŋ - peɡ] n.调音弦轴
- pitch [pitʃ] n.音质
- vibration [vaiˈbreiʃən] n.振动
- draw [drɔ:] v.拉
- bow [bəu] n.琴弓
- prize [praiz] v.珍视
- figuration [ˌfiɡjuˈreiʃən] n.用装饰音装饰
- lyrical [ˈlirikəl] adj.抒情的
- melody [ˈmelədi] n.曲调
- pizzicato [ˌpitsiˈka:təu] n.拨奏乐曲
- pluck [plʌk] v.拨
- tremolo [ˈtremələu] n.颤音