Wind instruments, or aerophones, produce sound by vibration, which may be produced by performers’ lips (brass), a column of air split across a sharp edge (flutes, pipes, whistles), or by one or two reeds, as with instruments such as the clarinet, saxophone, oboe, bassoon.
- wind instrument [wind - ˈinstrumənt] n.管乐器
- aerophone [ˈeərəˌfəun] n.管乐器
- column [ˈkɔləm] n.柱(a colum of air 气柱)
- split [split] n.裂缝
- edge [edʒ] n.边缘
- flute [flu:t] n.竖笛,横笛
- pipe [paip] n.风笛
- whistle [ˈhwisl] n.口哨
- reed [ri:d] n.簧片
- clarinet [ˌklæriˈnet] n.单簧管, 黑管
- saxophone [ˈsæksəfəun] n.萨克斯管
- oboe [ˈəubəu,ˈəubi] n.双簧管
- bassoon [bəˈsu:n] n.低音管,巴松