The most important and style-defining patterns are formed by pitches that overlap with one another in time, producing a chord, or harmony. Two or more tones heard simultaneously may belong to separate melodies that fit well together, but which occupy different octave registers, have distinct rhythmic patterns, or otherwise have different shapes or contours.
- style-defining [stail - diˈfainiŋ] adj. 定义完整的,仔细定义过的
- overlap [ˌəuvəˈlæp] v.与……重叠
- chord [kɔ:d] n.和弦
- harmony [ˈhɑ:məni] n.和声
- simultaneously [siməlˈteiniəsly] adv.同时地
- melody [ˈmelədi] n.曲调
- occupy [ˈɔkjupai] v.占用, 填满
- register [ˈredʒistə] n.音域
- distinct [disˈtiŋkt] adj.截然不同的
- rhythmic patterns [ˈriðmik - ˈpætən] n. 有节奏的模式
- contour [ˈkɔntuə] n.(音调或声调的)升降曲线;变化方式