Pitch depends upon the rate of vibration, or frequency, of sound waves that produce a particular tone. Most Western music was based on 12 equivalent intervals per octave; however, a great deal of Western folk music conforms to pentatonic scale, the best-known form of which contains no half steps.
- pitch [pitʃ] n.音高
- vibration [vaiˈbreiʃən] n.振动
- frequency [ˈfri:kwənsi] n.频率;
- tone [təun] n.音调
- equivalent interval [iˈkwivələnt - ˈintəvəl] n.等间隔的音程
- octave [ˈɔktiv] n.八度音程(音阶)
- folk [fəuk] adj.民间的
- conform [kənˈfɔ:m] v.(to, with)遵照,依照
- pentatonic [ˌpentəˈtɔnik] adj.五声音阶的
- scale [skeil] n.音阶
- step [step] n.音级