Essential modern kitchen equipment includes the following: a stove, or range; sink; work surface; various knives, pots and pans; such utensils as spatulas, whisks, specialized spoons, and rolling pins; a more highly specialized array of gear for producing pastries and other baked goods; and more recent sophisticated equipment such as blenders, food processors, and microwave ovens.
- kitchen [ˈkitʃin] n.厨房
- stove [stəuv] n.炉子
- range [reindʒ] n.火炉
- sink [siŋk] n.水槽
- work surface [wə:k - ˈsə:fəs] n.工作台
- knife [naif] n.刀
- pot [pɔt] n.锅
- pan [pæn] n.平底锅
- utensil [ju:ˈtensl] n.器具
- spatula [ˈspætjulə] n.(调拌用的)刮铲
- whisk [hwisk] n.搅拌器
- spoon [spu:n] n.匙
- rolling pin [ˈrəuliŋ - pin] n.擀面杖
- gear [ɡiə] n.设备
- pastry [ˈpeistri] n.糕点
- sophisticated [səˈfistikeitid] adj.复杂精巧的
- blender [ˈblendə] n.搅拌机
- microwave oven [ˈmaikrəuweiv - ˈʌvən] n.微波炉