An aspiring master would have to pass through the career chain from apprentice to journeyman before he could be elected to become a master craftsman. He would then have to produce a sum of money and a masterpiece before he could actually join the guild.
- aspiring [əsˈpaiəriŋ] adj.有志向的
- master [ˈmɑ:stə] n.大师
- pass through [ˈpæs - ˌθru:] v.经过
- apprentice [əˈprentis] n.学徒
- journeyman [ˈdʒə:nimən] n.熟练工人
- masterpiece [ˈmɑ:stəpi:s] n.杰作
- actually [ˈæktʃuəli] adv.实际上
- guild [ɡild] n.协会