Basic building materials include: timber, mud, stone, marble, brick, tile, steel, and cement concrete. Masonry walls are built with stones or bricks, cohered through the use of mortar, first composed of lime and sand. The profusion of aluminum and its anodized coatings provided cladding material that is lightweight and virtually maintenance free. Glass was known in prehistory and is celebrated for its contributions to Gothic architecture.
- timber [ˈtimbə] n. 木材
- marble [ˈmɑ:bl] n.大理石
- tile [tail] n. 饰面砖,瓷砖
- cement concrete [siˈment - ˈkɔnkri:t] n.水泥混凝土
- masonry wall [ˈmeisənri - wɔ:l] n. 砖墙,砖瓦墙
- cohere [kəuˈhiə] v. 粘合
- mortar [ˈmɔ:tə] n.砂浆, 灰浆
- lime [laim] n. 石灰
- profusion [prəˈfju:ʒən] n. 大量(a profusion of: 大量的)
- aluminum [ˌælju:-ˈminjəm] n. 铝
- anodized coating [ˈænəudaizd - ˈkəutiŋ] n. 电镀层,电镀膜(anodize v.阳极氧化: 用电解方式给(金属面)镀上一层保护性或装饰性的氧化物)
- cladding [ˈklædiŋ] n. 覆层:在高温高压下结合到另一金属上的金属外层
- celebrated [ˈselibreitid] adj. 著名的
- Gothic [ˈɡɔθik] adj.哥特式的
- architecture [ˈɑ:kitektʃə] n. 建筑, 建筑学